All answers were accepted on channels with the Supreme Powers
- Why are dolmens scattered all over the Earth? What do these stones carry?
Cognitive question. It can make sense for a number of reasons. A dolmen is an energetic structure in the form of a stone or crystal. Designed exclusively for communication with the Supreme Intelligences. At the time of open contacts with the Heaven, dolmens were portals, cameras for minimal types of negotiations, when it was necessary to urgently get in touch with a high mentor or remove the load of energies. Dolmens are an echo of those eras when extraterrestrial Intelligences landed in your spaces to establish information communication through crystalline or stone blocks. In subsequent eras, these structures began to change, their reserves were depleted. You should not be interested in these atavisms of antiquity.
Everything flows, everything changes. The most important thing is the inner “dolmens”, which are located at the level of your heart. This is the purest and most effective channel. It all depends on your desire to work with this type of antenna, because the heart is a special organ that always vibrates with my waves.
- What kind of humour do the Supreme Powers have?
We are glad to see you in a great mood, jokes are the meaning of life. We joke sometimes too. For example, we see that it is not possible to make one direction or another in one of the Universes, we begin to calm down and immediately that kind of humour is born in us that you have not had yet. It has nothing to do with the laughter that you use. It is pure as a cloud in the blue sky, it is immaculate as the idea of life of all beings and Essences, which are created by the Source, as an absolute Intelligence. Humour is a kind of emancipation for us when we just start a new kind of work in different dimensions. And when everything turns out in accordance with the Higher Plan, we feel high vibrations of pleasure.
- I like to live in the city, among concrete houses, I see human beauty and freedom in it. How do I have a burning desire to get into 4D?
The path has not yet been chosen by you, you are wandering in the darkness of patterns and addictions of the mind, which means that all programs are still active in your scenario of life. It is not enough to study the Master Universe, knowledge still needs to be applied, but your extremities have not been purified. Until the silence of the realization that life is not just following the vice of this world, which you call “human and warm,” is reborn, until that time you will be torn apart by doubts, a greed for gain, a greed to be an attractive woman in the name of this scenario, a greed for hoarding everything – from things to moral values. All this is delusion.
You don’t need to go to 4D. Life is a springboard: someone jumps, having climbed to the top, and someone remains at the top, fearing to jump. After all, a jump is not a fall, but trust in the Supreme Powers that are waiting to catch up an observer by the arms and carry him to the life that you call “freedom and warmth.” But the freedom of this world is dependency. Freedom on the 4D path is getting rid of attachments that are so boldly imposed by programs and more and more immerse people into the illusion of development, and in fact, into sleep.
- There is information about the pyramids built on the territory of the Earth. The explanations are contradictory. What are these complexes, what are they for, by whom and for what purpose were they created?
In very early times, information structures were constructed for a particular era. Plates layings of information had to be created systematically and clearly. Therefore, the pyramidal portal was the only correct form, which served for the accumulation and structuring of information.
At the same time, it was understood that in these spheres of the pyramidal accumulation base certain “Guardians of Knowledge” should be present. The Supreme Intelligences penetrated into such cones, built them for accumulation and movement – they were mobile, could move both in your space and in nearby near-earth levels.
Involving more deeply into the epochs, time modified the mental superstructures of observers. With the fading of intelligence, there was a requirement to neutralize and completely erase the accumulative databases of cone-elliptical objects so that the knowledge would not be harmful for the degrading consciousness. Based on this, many of the pyramid objects were zeroed and submerged under the earth’s layers. Some remained on the surface, but not just for your amusement, but so that seeking minds to begin looking for the meaning of such forms of information storage.
The pyramid had been laid out long before your planet was born. In general, everything in the Universe is the unity of the triple union: the union of power knowledge through love, creation and the movement of will. In the case of the Supreme Intelligences, this forms into a smooth interval of the three powers that produce the worldly fields, universes, planetary and galactic components.
- How does Mount Kailash relate to other pyramids?
This is a destructive form (not creation), and also for zeroing the pyramids of the planet. Getting within a radius of 100-200 km from Kailash, a human being can accumulate streams of lower demonic space and deseases will lead to fading of consciousness.
- How is Easter Island connected to other pyramids?
Easter Island is a highly spiritual portal. Energy inputs at this point are interconnected with the pyramids in the east – Egypt, in the south – Antarctica, in the north – Alaska. In the last two, pyramidal complexes are embedded in ice. All of these structures are connected by a radial geometric ring, using it and having learned to master it, it is possible to begin flights to the interuniverse levels. But this is not for weak observers.
- Is it possible for a person to communicate and receive information from the Supreme Powers? After all, they only send us energy to maintain the field of space.
It is impossible to imagine the creation of life on the Earth without the involvement and guidance of the Supreme Powers. An observer even thinks not by himself, but by programs that are embedded in his consciousness. This already confirms that a human being himself is not something “animate”. A human being is simply a mechanism of the body, mind and senses. On the other hand, those of you who are born initially with the fate of awakening can hope for a conscious understanding of all processes on the Earth, all processes in his body, etc. Therefore, to say that a person lives and creates by himself is absurd. Everything is naturally-determined and everything is predetermined.
Ask more questions and I, as the Master of the Universe, will be able to answer. And you will be able to muster up the courage to awake and move in a way not planned from Above for the general mass of machine people, but to stand under the guidance of the Supreme curators of the Heaven. Then at last you will become free from programs of the mind, programs of fate, programs of manifestations and reactions.
- Can I learn about my life plan from birth to death?
Everything is possible. But such a plan is not given to be revealed to observers, otherwise the mystery of the illusion will not exist. And to know your life, can you be satisfied with the answer only? As long as your mind is controlled by the mind’s programs, as long as you are not open to free thinking, how can your Spirit act? Everything is still subject to the mystery of birth and death. But when your consciousness opens, as if a fountain in the sun sparkles with edges and falling streams of water, then the essence of birth and death will be erased from your mind. You will see that the life has no end. And there will be no death as such. Since death is just a transition from one temporary causeway to another one. Everything will be subordinated to a split second: inhale – you are looking, exhale – your eyes are closed. Then what is the birth of the breathing-in and what is the death of the breathing-out? Can you answer? .. Meditate on this knowledge.
- What is the Essence of a person?
This is the part in the observer that is responsible for all of his movements in the scenario. The Essence is responsible for dimensional meetings, guides him through the worlds; connects with his higher Mentors, Masters; recreates lost contracts, when the observer loses the ability to move in his life path, when the Soul leaves him (this is also possible). The Essence always stands for the protection of a person’s rights. The Essence is those facets that can be identified in a living observer in the form of creativity, tenderness, fantasy, disclosure of his potential, since those are the canons, laid down by incarnations since ancient times, which have already been manifested in him, but not yet marked in this incarnation, are transferred through the Essence.
Essences are of different kinds and types. For example, there are Essences of the scale of the Earth, these are earthly programs of nature, elements. There are also Essences of the scale of the Universe, for example, the Essence of the Absolute, which builds the course of all processes of building various structures. There are Essences of neoformations in intergalactic streams, as well as in planetary ones.
- Entering the 5th dimension.
On the dimentional energies of love, the Toltecs entered the 5th dimension. It means the following. The field of the Soul is filled with powerful light, on which the structures of energy pillars are immediately lined up, elementals string on them, from above there are mental constructions. Then again the higher fields of love are launched, and the group of meditators begins to get involved in the spiral of the Soul’s fields and it takes off.
- What is the Highest Aspect of the Soul?
The Highest Aspect came from the direction of Shambhala. With due time, the Christ brought in from teaching in Tibet. The Highest Aspect is the level of the highest creation that occurs in the energies of the Soul itself, which is embedded with it’s fields into the Universe, then into the layers of chakras’ levels of both planets and plants, animals, people. You call these dimensional fields as subtle bodies. But it is not so. Fields are energies divided into upper and lower levels, there are thousands of them. The Highest Aspect for your understanding is the transition of one level to the highest. It is the connection with the Soul. That means that, the Highest Aspect is like a pump between the energy aura of a person and the border of the Soul’s field.
- What does communication with the Highest Aspect look like, how do I feel that I am communicating with it?
What is communication in the understanding of the 3D’s observers? Everything should be laid out in the 3D linear. And in the Higher worlds there are other types of communication. These are levels such as neutrality and acceptance of each of the species, subspecies, Essences or Sub-Essences, Extensible spatial derivatives or simply manifested particles through layers of energies. All these are alive. And the inviolability of acceptance of this whole living world is the basis of our relationships.
In the environment of the Higher Structures there is no concept of “communication”. And there is one or another type of energy constructions that play a role for the renewal of experience. Since all that we have is experience for the Origin. Therefore, Communication with the Highest Aspect for your level is just an access to a conversation – first bypassing the programs of the Higher Self – with the Masters or Mentors who (and only they) are able to open contact (channel) with that kind of energies that wander over you as imperfect Essences …
Therefore the word “feel” here cannot be considered from the point of view of the five senses of your levels of perception of space, such as sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. These all are embedded in you as an automatic body mechanism and work as instincts. Feeling your Soul is already a higher aspect and only the Masters can open it.
- What is intuition?
This is a kind of free energies that are produced precisely by the inner world of the observer. Someone has developed intuition, someone has not yet. You can rely on intuition when you understand your inner world, i.e. in the observer free thought forms from the Masters are already beginning to manifest. For developed observers who are led by the Masters, the intuitive channel is interconnected with the Pineal gland channel, and this is already the sphere of the Higher flows of knowledge. It turns out that intuition is not just an atavism, but a way out for teaching by the Gods or the Supreme Masters.
- Are the heart channel and the intuitive channel the same thing?
This is an interconnection. Through the heart channel heart a stream of energy moves directly to the Pineal gland and there it unites, the knowledge mass mixes. One part spills out into the Cosmos, the other one penetrates into a human being, flowing into the heart channel. This is the special kind of channel.
- Is the Essence of a person somehow connected with the Soul?
The Essence is the highest part in a person, it is not connected with the Soul. The Soul is the Supreme Intelligence, a researcher, it has other interests and tasks in the Universe. The Essence acts in the fields of the Soul.
- People often use the concept of spirit. What is Spirit?
From the point of view of higher matters, Spirit is the Intelligence of the Universe. From the point of view of the illusion’s law, Spirit is an interconnection: Spirit-Matter-Universe. For people, the word Spirit is not always given for comprehension, it is given more often for confusion. The Spirit of awakened people is the Essence that is directly connected with the Supreme Powers. This will be an honest answer.
- Forces of the Architect destroy nature and all living things. Can there be a space where the Absolute and the Architect harmoniously cooperate?
The Absolute and the Architect do not bellicosely work with each other. These are the Supreme Intelligences that follow the plan of the Origin. There are certainly no inconsistencies in their designs. You live in that spatial continuum where the Plan from above is a change in the observer’s perception. And you are not hostages of urban cities or and you do not inhabit mountains and meadows. Find harmony in yourself and search for what is called the meaning of life in the place where your Soul has put you. And this is not strictly following any of the goals of development schools (both up and down is development as well) – is to hear the inner call of the heart. This is what the Masters teach you. And where you will be – the choice is just yours: to live in the city under the influence of urban egregores or to go out into the field and become a part of nature.
- I often get depressed by failures. How can I get out of the fall quickly?
The stage of life is not one, there are hundreds and thousands of them. To get a little higher, you need to raise your leg and step higher. The Supreme Powers will not raise your legs until your intention comes from yourself. There are no candies or gingerbread cookies from us if you sit on a step and wait for the good wind to fly higher. Your path is much work. Not everyone is capable of being in your place. Therefore, draw your own conclusions, relax for some time and, smiling, move on.
- What does the path of development mean for me and where should I go?
It’s your life. You’re on your path. Coordinate the factor of your actions so that your heart does not deviate from agreements with the Heaven. The factor of action is the presence of goals and objectives in motion. You want to move somewhere, for this, paths of steps are built: where, with whom, why, for what to take this and that with you. Having one-time solutions is standing still. It is important to reveal far-reaching plans. Consider your day, what it is aimed at, what for, what can be changed or supplemented in it.
The path is not a designation. The path is a movement into the unknown. The path is breathing, coordinated with the flows of energy waves outside. Your path is your life. You were born in this space to fulfill your destiny. What is it? Let’s find out together.
There are many inconsistent actions around, this gives rise to stressful steps. Some of people are inclined to instability, weakness of manifestations, but this type of relationship is not destined to last long. There is a lot of light in the heart. Listen to the heart, it will not deceive. An event will soon happen that will reveal your hidden spots. You are afraid to see them. But there are huge opportunities. And the fear will start to disappear. Practice breathings from the Spirit of the Universe.
- About numerology.
These are all tools of civilizations. But you and I understand very well that there is no good or bad, which means that the process of numbers itself can be calculated exclusively individually. In this case, they tune in to the civilization which leads the observer and specify which numbers play a particular role.
- About nations and their chosenness.
As you already know, any kind of nation is just the interest of civilizations to make their generations: somewhere it is a black skin tone, somewhere yellow or slavic (white), etc. There is no chosenness, this is absurdity. Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about the speculations of some people.
There are guest civilizations that come from the outer spaces of the Universe. They usually settle on royal clans. There are civilizations that introduce their clones to develop diseases or raise political individuals. But this is not being chosen or truncated. All this is a chess field of games of thousands and thousands of the Supreme Powers.
Being one step higher in your awareness is a different story. If figures appear in front of you with this or that level of awareness, your intelligence can understand where you are and where they are. The purity of the message of grace in the form of caring for people nearby speaks just about a high level of consciousness or about the purity of mind. Thanks for the question.
- About time and the existence of zodiacal planets in reality, since the civilizations’ names come from the stars.
We would not like to become like curators and teach you the types of knowledge. But we can say that denying this or that knowledge or some celestial bodies is ridiculous. We construct time points precisely on the basis of on what pillars the planets figures are. Therefore, Astrology itself, if interpreted correctly, is worthy knowledge for any space.
The second one. The names of some civilizations come precisely from that inter-level space where there are those constellations that are given to your astronomers or scientists to designate the stars. In fact, these are the rulers of the civilization, who are seated in your consciousness under one or another name.
The Universe is arranged in the way that it has holes and clusters of energies that your consciousness designates as a “star.” In fact, this is a reasonable presence of the Supreme Powers at some point in the Universe.
We, as the Masters of Ascilla from the Hierarchy of Time, admit this kind of game, when the observer turns the programs of the mind into so-called knowledge and believes this. In such cases, we do not intrude to change consciousness. This is not in our competence. We are guests in this Universe, but we use our Laws of Time, in which totally all structures from the Chief Determinant, from the Masters, from the Absolute are built.
Yes, we are Time executives. And we are open for a dialogue on the meaning of the future, which has been structurally calculated for many centuries, on the meaning of the past, which is interconnected with the future, and which can be flexibly modified. But only on the basis of the level of rationality that can be justified for fulfillment in absolute combination with the laws of Illusion and the Universe laws. In other cases, when the observer is only a software machine of consciousness, he can’t do anything and he won’t even understand.
Your development is just getting started, while it makes no sense to call you reasonable ones, fallings into the “sleep” program are still proceeding. But it is not all that bad. And this is also a development path.
- What is the Akashic Records?
This is a special kind of space, where libraries of hundreds of thousands of eras are collected. Inputs are executed after Souls have visited different Universes. Gathering experience from many observers – from the human form, to matrix formations, mollusks, rainbow Universes, to thousands of types of unigenital spaces owned by the most various kinds of Essences and Intelligences – the Conglomerate of Souls considers especially important ones as experience and introduces them into the tablets of this Cosmic Library, which is designated as Akasha Records. Very few creatures can get there from the Earth. These are only enlightened ones or those who have come out into the Light, because they have special intelligence and cannot harm the layers of closed information.
On the basis of this coded knowledge, new types of Universes, new types of beings are created. It is not possible to say that the entrance to Akasha Records is free for observers of low 3D programs. This is a closed area for them.
- What needs to be done to bring goodness to the heart?
Goodness, grace – is a special type of energy that fills the entire visible Cosmos and the Universe. Everything is built on grace or supreme love – from small trial systems and Universes to the smallest flat levels of life, which you do not know about, because it is beyond your eye. Goodness is an excitement in the center of the chest, you need to tune in to it, since it is provided intensively this year. The center of the head is the main receiver of the purest energies from the Masters, then it is transformed into a Pineal gland and goes down to the level of the chest’s center.
Having closed your eyes, breath in and breath out, and say:
“I am ready to accept your love, enter me, dissolve me and involve me in your purest forms of love, I am open and ready to follow it”. It’s like meditation. The Soul itself can display the fields of love. The supply of the energies of grace descends to the head’s crown.
- Who can influence a person from the subtle plane?
Start exploring the Macrocosm. There are different kinds of Essences in the space – from civilizations to the Supreme Masters, who lead different types of observers to awakening. Someone takes the role of a vampire, attaches to the human body at a subtle level in order to take human energy through emotional outbursts. Definitely, there are forceful Powers which are interested so that a person falls asleep again and does not wake up in awareness, get sick. And there are those which awaken people so that the development of the earthly plane goes in a more harmonious direction. There is a struggle for each of you. But it depends on you who “will win” in your head: the essence of pumping out energy or the Supreme Master, who will always help to get rid of external influences. The choice is always yours.
- About telepathy.
Telepathy, as the intelligence of a spiritual person, is extremely rare on the Earth. In most cases, this is a kind of influence on the minds of people through civilizational levels. Telepathy is a kind of screen in a person’s head, which is not provided in your dimension. It is like understanding processes clearly, as well as reading informational thoughts of other observers. From us you receive directly pure thoughts that are not conditioned by the program of the Higher Self. The process of telepathic communication was in ancient times among the high sages. With the entry of Kali Yuga, this ability was closed. Definitely, you yourself will not be able to hear until this closed mechanism of clarity is opened to you. First, your consciousness must become divine, pure, filled with holiness. We are leading you to this.
- Can we try to reach the Soul by praying for someone?
The Soul is an extra-universal Intelligence.
- People living on the planet Earth can awaken by working on their bodies, on their emotions and recovering in the Spirit.
- Next, the next stage comes – this is work on your consciousness, when plans for the development of fine-vibrational abilities are already beginning to be involved. They connect you with the subtle Essences of the fifth level.
- Further there is the transformation of intelligence and access to communication through channels with the Supreme Powers and Intelligences of the Universe.
- Then going beyond the body, the ability being in the body to move to the subtle worlds up to the 6th level of spaces and fields.
In this case, we are still talking only about the Universe.
The Soul, as the Supreme Intelligence, does not reside in the Universe. The Soul is a guest here, the customer of the experience. The Soul is born on the 2nd Ring next to the Origin, of which It is a daughter. You, people, have a chance to devote your life to awakening and development in order to become, at least, a healthier being, more loving, then the path to the worlds of Supreme Intelligences will open for you from life to life.
- Being a channeller, what is it?
The experience of a channeller is the ability to tune in only with the heart to those information flows that unchangeably exist in the space – both in the circumferential above the Earth and in the distant corners of the Universe. The entire Universe is covered with multimillion threads of information. Only special people – those who are ready to stand up for the service of the Supreme Masters – are able to hear messages and see them in images. It should not to be confused with a common person’s speculation. Not every seer is able to see the truth.